Dows IPM Services Co.

43/2689 B Thekkumthala Bldg., SRM Road, North Railway Station, Ernakulam - 682018

About Dows IPM Services Co.

Pre Construction White Ant Proofing of Buildings
Anti Termite Treatment for Existing Bldgs
Disinfestations of Packaged Goods
Mosquito Control in Factories
Mosquito control in Residential Colonies

With over 20 years of experience in providing Pest Control to Food Processing industries, we have been partnering our clients through evolving regulations, quality audit certifications of ISO, HACCP, AIBF with complete success and have received acclaims for a completely documented Pest Management operations.

Clients include food processing industries, factories, warehouses, corporate houses, office networks, financial institution offices, housing complexes, domestic and expatriate’s needs of home protection against white ants and regular general disinfestations.

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