Climator International
Working Hours
Monday 09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
Saturday 09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
Sunday 09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
About Climator International
Climator International handled the entire MEP work, including plumbing, electrical, interior, painting, and construction. As discussed one of our flagship projects is "Ducted Centralised A/C" Providing ductable centralised air conditioning to homes, apartments, and offices at reasonable prices.
As our tag line states "We build cool homes", we are in the HVAC business and specialize in converting homes and offices to central air conditioning. A seamless look, less electricity consumption, and value for money are our advantages
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