
Rajagiri Hospital

Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery, General Surgery, Clinical Hematology & Hemato Oncology, Endocrinology, Pediatric Surgery
cvts,Rajagiri hospital,chunangamvely, Aluva, Ernakulam - 683112
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Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery

At Rajagiri Hospital, we are proud to bring you the latest advancements in surgical technology - Da Vinci Xi Robotic-Assisted Surgery. With unparalleled precision & minimal invasion, this cutting-edge surgical system is revolutionizing healthcare and transforming the way surgeries are performed

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Working Hours

Monday Open 24 hours

Tuesday Open 24 hours

Wednesday Open 24 hours

Thursday Open 24 hours

Friday Open 24 hours

Saturday Open 24 hours

Sunday Holiday

About Rajagiri Hospital

In the short span of its existence, Rajagiri Hospital has created its niche on the map of quality healthcare delivery in South India by touching nearly 2 million lives. Having earned the trust and loyalty of patients through the compassion of its caregivers and high-precision medical technology, the institution has emerged as the leading quaternary care facility in the region.

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