
KCM Hospital


Working Hours

Monday Open 24 hours

Tuesday Open 24 hours

Wednesday Open 24 hours

Thursday Open 24 hours

Friday Open 24 hours

Saturday Open 24 hours

Sunday Open 24 hours

About KCM Hospital

Kuriakose Chavara Memorial (KCM) hospital was established in 1972 under the leadership of CMC Congregation of Holy Queens Provincial House. It is an expression of hospitality, care and service for sick and the wanted. The vision and foresightedness of His grace Rev. Antony Padiyara, and the dedication of CMC group of sisters was the inspiration and motivation behind this noble endeavor.

Christ sent his disciples to preach the kingdom of god and to heal the sick.

To render care and medical aid to the sick and the injured irrespective of caste, creed, colour , community, religion, race or languages. To carryout activities for prevention of disease and promotion of community health specially for the poor and marginalized.

To sent care and medical aid to the sick and the injured irrespective of cast, creed, colour, community, religion, race or language.
To provide facilities for education and training in the medical, nursing and paramedical and when ever possible in alternative systems of health care disciplines.
The reception and treatment of persons suffering from illness or mental defectiveness or the reception and treatment of persons during convalescence or of persons requiring medical attention or rehabilitation.
To help patient with chronic pain and particularly to improve palliative care in patience with advanced cancer.
To provide, when necessary, social and financial support for patience with chronic pain or advanced cancer.
To help to provide uninterrupted supply of essential drugs for the patience.
To educate the relatives of the patients regarding the needs of the patients and to promote palliative care in the family setting.

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