Corona Systems & Services is in Desktop / Laptop Service industry from 1999 and our Alleppey Division is operational since 2002 . With a team of experienced professionals at your disposal , you can always ensure the best service from our service division.
Rather than focusing on to a specific brand of laptop , we are doing a vendor... independent support for all the logic circuits and power electronic components and that gives the end customer the cost advantages of chip level service rather than replacing the faulty FRU. There will not be any initial diagnostic charges for the products and your first report along with a detailed estimate will be given with in 24 hours ( except weekends).
Best Laptop Division in Kerala
No initial Diagnostic charge for service
First Diagnostic report with in 24 hours.
Data management an+ More
PC Technical Support
PC Repair / Troubleshooting
PC Setup / Installation
PC Training / Tutoring
System Security Testing
Wired / Wireless Networking
Hardware Upgrades / Installation
Software Upgrades / Installation
Operating System Updates
Anti-Virus Installation / Removal
Mother... board Replacement
Memory Upgrades+ More