Doctor Care Ayurvedic Clinic, Thaikkal Junction, Arthunkal, Alleppey - 688530
Ayurveda is one of the most ancient sciences of healing that has been practiced over the last eight thousand years. Ayurveda, as opposed to western medicine takes a non-reductionist approach by healing the body as a whole.
Doctor care Ayurvedic Clinic located in Arthunkal, Alappuzha. We adhere to the highest standards of quality and treatment, and understand the apprehensions and challenges a patient faces, which help us provide the most effective treatment.
Healing at Doctor Care Ayurvedic Clinic is a multi-dimensional approach, with our trained professional drawing from a range of alternative healing practices with Ayurveda at the core of the experience.
Dr. Anjali Sanjeev at Doctor Care Ayurvedic Clinic she holds degree in BAMS and MD, FCCAP (Counselling) . She also has a post graduation in Ayurvedic Cosmetology.She is an Ex. Assistant proffesor at Parul Institute of Ayurveda.
Special treatments at Doctor Care Ayurvedic Clinic are ;
Rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and gout
Abdominal diseases like acidity, indigestion, stool and IBS
Chronic sneezing , itching, coughing, colds, shortness of breath
Allergic diseases like Tonsillitis, Headache, Migraine, Sinusitis
Female Diseases like PCOD menstrual problems
Obstetric drugs
Beauty problems like acne, hair loss and dandruff
Obesity , Lack of sleep, Fatigue, Anemia
Bladder Diseases
Prostate diseases , Piles
Lifestyle diseases Etc..
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